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Hair transplant in azerbaijan-زراعة الشعر في أذربيجان

Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is the operation of transplanting healthy and genetically not shedding hair follicles taken from nape or another area of the body (beard, chest) in the hairless or a thin area in groups of one, two and three by experienced specialists. The patients are conscious during the operation. The hairs to be transplanted are the hair follicles of that person. The operation takes place with local anesthesia. It is completed in 4-8 hours according to the transplanted hair number. Today, the best transplantation method is FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction)

Warnings before Hair Transplantation

  • The hair should be washed before operation and any solution or gel etc. should not be applied.

  • Aspirin and other blood thinner medication usages should be stopped a week before the operation.

  • You should stop drinking alcohol 3 days and smoking 1 day before the operation.

  • Cardiac, diabetic, blood pressure patients should inform their doctor about the medications they use.


Hair Transplant


Hair Transplant

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