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Hair Transplant F.U.E
Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation is the operation of transplanting healthy and genetically not shedding hair follicles taken from nape or another area of the body (beard, chest) in the hairless or a thin area in groups of one, two and three by experienced specialists. The patients are conscious during the operation. The hairs to be transplanted are the hair follicles of that person. The operation takes place with local anesthesia. It is completed in 4-8 hours according to the transplanted hair number. Today, the best transplantation method is FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction)
FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction)
It is the process of required notification, cutting hair after test and planning and anesthesia of the donor area.
Harvest of hair follicles:
Harvest of hair follicles; the hair follicles are taken from the donor area in groups of one, two or three (graft) with the help of micro punches with 0,6-0,9 diameter determined according to the hair type of the patients are put in a special solution.
Determining the hair line:
Determining the forehead and hair line; it should be special and suitable for the patient’s face and age. It is quite important to obtain a natural appearance.
Opening Canals:
Before the transplantation, the micro canals are opened in the hairless or thing areas. Canal opening requires specialization. The angles and density of the canals are the most significant elements in terms of promoting a natural appearance.
Transfer of hair follicles:
Finally, the prepared hair follicles are placed in the opened micro canals one by one with micro forceps and transplantation operation is completed.
Recovery Period
The transplanted area recovers in 7-10 days. The shedding of transplanted hairs in the first month is nothing to be frightened. Within 3-4 months, the transplanted hairs grow to a visible amount, in 6-8 months, almost half of the hairs and in a year all of the hairs grow and the hair takes its final shape.
Things to Take into Account before the Hair Transplantation
Stop using aspirin or other blood thinner medications (Heparin, Coumadin etc.) a week before the operation. If you take any of these medications within this period, inform your doctor about it.
Do not take multivitamin preparations containing B and E vitamins within the week before operation because these medications increase bleeding.
Inform your doctor about the medications you use because of chronic diseases (Diabetes, Cardiac Disease, Blood Pressure, and Tuberculosis) or acute diseases.
Stop using products such as lotions, hair conditioners, which you use for hair loss and may affect hair and hairy skin, within the week before operation.
Stop consuming alcohol at least 5 days before the operation.
Wash your hair before coming to operation because your hair must not be washed for 3 days after operation and do not use products such as gel and hair spray after washing.
Sleep at least 8 hours before the operation.
Wear on clothes (jogger, shirt, sweater etc.) that will not rub your head and that you can easily wear and take off.
You must doesn't breakfast before the operation.
Before the operation, do not have your hair cut unless your doctor wants you to.
Stop drinking coffee and caffeine containing drinks the day before the operation.
Things to Take into Account after the Hair Transplantation
You must use the medications given by the doctor after the operation in time and correctly.
You should be pretty careful to prevent even the smallest traumas (the touch of a hat on your head, touch of the pillow while sleeping) in the first three days.
Protect the transplanted area from hitting and bumping for especially the first week.
In the first two days, rest by lying on your back and abstain from physical actions.
In the first week after operation, sleep on your back. Do not lie on your chest and put the transplanted area on pillow.
In the 15 days after the operation, prevent form heavy sports, pool, bathhouse, sea and over sun exposure.
Use the shampoo and lotion recommended you by the doctor in the way you are told within the ten days after operation.
Afterward you can use a recommended or your former shampoo.
You can use hat after the transplantation. (It may be sport hats, but do not wear tight hats like beanie.)
How the hair washing is done after the operation.
You can was your hair on the third day of your operation in the way you are instructed. Apply the given lotion on the transplanted and nape area once or twice on a day and wait for approximately 30-60 minutes. Continue this process for 10 days. You can clean the lotion and wash with a shampoo under the unpressurised shower water. The nape area can be washed in normal ways but transplanted area should be washed with light touches. NEVER SCRATCH while washing. Wash your hair with plenty of water. The scabs should be gone in ten days. If there is redness on your skin, do not worry it is temporary. When the washing process done, dry with a towel without rubbing and use a hair dryer in the cool mode.